by Ken Giffin | Dec 29, 2017 | leadership, personal growth, Uncategorized
At the end of a year, it is natural to reflect on the past twelve months and think about accomplishments vs. goals. At Corporate Path Leadership, we hear similar stories of new hope and vision for the upcoming year – and often time that hope accompanies thoughts of a...
by Ken Giffin | Nov 16, 2017 | leadership, personal growth
Travis Bradberry, co-founder of TalentSmart and author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 identified eight habits that people with high emotional intelligence use in the workplace. The results are based on research with over one million people and show how Emotional...
by Ken Giffin | Nov 7, 2017 | personal growth, productivity
There is no doubt that email in the workplace has vastly sped up the flow of communication. Most see this a progress and ability to make decisions and move projects forward faster. But what is the individual impact of these tools directly on you? Likely depends if you...