Employee & Leader Growth
While there are many tried and true methods for employee and leader growth, we have found that sometimes organizations get stuck focusing only on investing in leadership team members. We’ve created a more encompassing approach that involves all employees – matching needs and goals to day-to-day activity.
The Right Way
Internal curriculum that matches the needs/goals to support employee development
Core content approach, customized for individual roles
Active “workshop” facilitation approach
Employees can see how learning applies to their day-to-day job function
Affordable mentoring and coaching options for all team members
The Old Way
External training courses with no internal application for the needs/goals of employees
Mass training content approach for all employees
Passive “tell” facilitation approach
Disconnect between learning opportunities and day-to-day job function
Executive Coaching only for select Leadership Team members
How We Can Help
Corporate Path Leadership can assist you with any or all of the following employee and leader growth initiatives:
Content Development
Curriculum Planning
Active Workshop Facilitation
Individual/Team Mentoring Sessions
Contact Us Today
Whether you need individual mentoring for specific teams, or a curriculum design and delivery for your organization’s development plan, we can help you fill in the gaps.